RE/MAX Prestige Properties
Mark Simon, RE/MAX Prestige PropertiesPhone: (516) 578-9412
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Tag: Plant Care

Posted on 02/10/2025
Sago Palms: Key Facts You Should Know
Sago palms are a wishlist item for many plant collectors. Native to the warm regions of Japan and China, these striking plants can grow large indoors with the right care routine. If you're thinking about adding a sago palm to your indoor jungle, here are some facts you should know: Light Requirements Sago palms do best in bright...
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Posted on 07/17/2023
How to Grow Umbrella Plants
Schefflera, also called umbrella plant, is a popular indoor tree. The plant gets its name from the whorl-like pattern of its leaves resembling the top of an umbrella. The vibrant, glossy foliage creates a dense canopy at heights up to six feet indoors. If you're interested in growing an umbrella plant at home, here are some basic tips:...
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